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Where can i use it?

You may use identification mechanisms provided for in Cl@ve in all electronic administration services integrated into the system.

Integrated services can be distinguished because they will display, on the screen for accessing same, a button which redirects you to the Cl@ve authentication system:

The Agreement adopted by the Council of Ministers on 19 September 2014, approving the Cl@ve system, establishes that the State Public Administration Sector must implement this system in all electronic services and processes addressed to citizens by 31 December 2015, and therefore there will be a transitional period until said date during which all services will be progressively incorporated.

However, the remaining sectors of the General Government may be integrated once it is available, thus implementing the practical extension of electronic administration services to reach the large majority of citizens.

Please note that in order to obtain these identification mechanisms and use them in Cl@ve, you must have registered previously by using any of the procedures described (please refer to section Registration for more information).