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Use of Cl@ve Mobile

Once registered in the Cl@ve system, when you want to carry out electronic administration management, Cl@ve Móvil will allow you to authenticate yourself in the process simply by confirming the request that will come to you in the Cl@ve APP.

The process is very simple:

  1. Once you access the management, you will be redirected to the Cl@ve platform.
  2. Select Cl@ve Móvil to identify yourself.
  3. You will be redirected to the identity provider, where a QR code will be displayed that you can scan from the Cl@ve APP. You can also select the option to enter your DNI/NIE and the validity date of the DNI (or issue date if it is a permanent DNI) or NIE support number
  4. Open the Cl@ve APP to scan the QR code or if you have entered your DNI/NIE, click on the notice or open the APP to view the authentication request with Cl@ve Móvil.
  5. For security reasons, you must check that the Organization and the verification code shown in the APP are the same ones that appear where you are trying to access. Once the Cl@ve Móvil request is confirmed in the APP with the authentication factor (unlock) that you have configured on your mobile device (pattern, fingerprint, etc.), you will be automatically redirected to the procedure you wish to carry out.

Remember that you can only have one active device for your DNI/NIE.

Consult all the information about the Cl@ve APP